Start My Own Business
Make even money with your network of friends and family
We pay the most generous commissions for authorized user spots and affiliate bonuses for cardholder referrals in the industry. To us, this business is a wealth building club. We want our club filled with honest, like minded individuals that bring their families, friends and people they trust into the fold. That way we all benefit fast and big – not just the guys at the top!
It actually gets better. If you refer other card cardholders (friends and family) you make a referral fee for every authorized user position that is sold.
The benefits of selling your good credit history (Tradelines) can be multiplied by bringing your friends and families to Tradelines Club, and becoming an affiliate.
Fill out the form to the right to learn more about starting a business.
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Why does this work?
Credit card companies created the ability to add authorized users so that primary cardholders have the ability to add their employees, family members, dependants and friends to their accounts. The result is an amazing coincidence that results in the account history for that credit card appearing on the authorized user’s credit report. This “amazing coincidence” gives the authorized user a credit score boost, and allows them to attain financing for loans at favorable interest rates.
How is this legal?
Tradelines Club LLC has conducted extensive research and retained legal counsel to advise on the practice of paying someone to add an Authorized User to their credit card account. It is completely legal and is actually protected by the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA)!
People use credit to pay for education or a house, a remodeling job or a car, or to finance a loan to keep their business operating.
Know the facts about credit boosting
Authorized Users do not receive the physical credit card or have the ability to use the credit line, but they do get the increased score and perfect payment history.
Authorized Users cannot use the credit card or make any changes to the credit account, and they do not have the responsibility to repay any balances that are owed.
Our Commitment
There is opportunity on both sides of credit boosting. We pride ourselves on providing the best service to our card holders, and customers that purchase our tradelines.